About Menma

The Production of Stewed Menma - Cooking

The Production of Stewed Menma - Cooking

(1)Prepare ingredients

Prepare ingredients menma

① Menma (500g). ② Cooking sake [Mirin] (1 large spoons). ③ Oyster sauce (2 large spoons). ④ Red pepper (thinly shred). ⑤ Sugar (1 large spoons). ⑥ Salt (2 small spoons). ⑦ Chicken consommé (proper quantity). ⑧ Soy sauce (2 large spoons). ⑨ Sesame oil (1 large spoons)


(2)Put the Menma into the pot. Pour in just enough water to cover the menma. and boil water.

Put the Menma into the pot

After the water is boiled, skim off the scum that rises to the surface of the cooking water, keep medium heat, add red pepper shreds and boil for 10 mins.


(3)Add other seasonings and keep boiling.

Add other seasonings and keep boiling

Add sugar, salt, chicken consommé and soy sauce. Boil for another 10 mins with occasionally stirring.


(4)Keep stirring in order to avoid be burnt.

Keep stirring in order to avoid be burnt

Turn to high heat, keep stirring in order to avoid be burnt, keep boiling until there is no water left.


(5) Add the sesame oil, then the Menma is well cooked.

Stop heat when there is no soup left in the pot. Add the sesame oil, the delicious smell will come out. Put the cooked Menma into dish, the classical boiled Menma is prepared.